Un-audited Financial Results
For the Quarter ended 31/03/2014 (Amount in Rs.)

Sl no. Particulars 3 months ended
3 months ended
Corresponding 3 months ended in the previous year
Year to date figures as on 
Financial figures as on 
    Audited Un-audited Un-audited Audited Audited
1 Income from Operations          
  (a) Gross Sales 1,181,400 1,117,750 741,844 4,437,714 2,941,000
  (b) Other Operating Income   -       -
  Total Income from Operations 1,181,400 1,117,750 741,844 4,437,714 2,941,000
2 Expenses          
  (a) Purchases 931,300 990,475 - 3,756,408 -
  (b) Change in closing stock, finished goods, Work in progress and stock in trade     80,366   2,391,414
  (c) Employee Cost 6,317 13,500 - 58,359   -
  (d) Other expenses 172,622 96,323 538,972 513,295 552,113
  (e) Capital Increase Expenses w/off 452,010 -   - 452,010 -
  Total Expenses 1,562,249 1,100,298 619,338 4,780,072 2,943,527
3 Profit/loss from operation before other income, finance cost and exceptional items (1-2) (380,849) 17,452 122,506 (342,358) (2,527)
4 Other Income 410,390 -   - 418,967 26,863
5 Profit/loss from ordinary activites before finance cost and exceptional items (3+4) 29,541 17,452 122,506 76,609 24,336
6 Finance Cost   - -   -   -   -
7 Profit/loss from ordinary activites after finance cost but before exceptional items (5-6) 29,541 17,452 122,506 76,609 24,336
8 Exceptional Items   - -   -   -   -
9 Profit/loss from Ordinary activities before Tax (7-8) 29,541 17,452 122,506 76,609 24,336
10 Tax Expense 15,849 -   - 25,000 7,520
11 Net Profit/ loss from Ordinary activities after Tax (9-10) 13,692 17,452 122,506 51,609 16,816
12 Prior Period adjustments   - -   -   - (50)
13 Net Profit/ Loss for the period (11-12) 13,692 17,452 122,506 51,609 16,866
14 Paid up equity share capital 52,105,000 2,490,000 2,490,000 52,105,000 2,490,000
15 Reserves excluding revaluation reserve       15,560,087 623,977
16 Face Falue per Share (Rs.) 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
17 Earnings Per Share (Rs.)          
  (a) Basic 0.00 0.07 0.49 0.01 0.07
  (b) Diluted 0.00 0.07 0.49 0.01 0.07

A Particulars of Shareholding 3 months
Previous 3 months ended
Corresponding 3 months ended in the previous year31-Mar-13 Year to date figures as on 
Financial figures as on 
1 Public Shareholding          
  Number of Shares 3,921,100   187,400 246,400 3,921,100 246,400
  % of holding 75.25% 75.26% 98.96% 75.25% 98.96%
2 Promoter & Promoter group Holding           
  A) Pledged/ Encumbered           
  Number of shares    - -   -   -   -
  Percentage of shares (as a% of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
  - -   -   -   -
  Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company)   - -   -   -   -
  B) Non-Encumbered          
  Number of shares 1,289,400 61,600   2,600 1,289,400   2,600
  Percentage of shares (as a% of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
  Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company) 24.75% 24.74% 1.04% 24.75% 1.04%
B Particulars of Investors Complaint   3 Months ended  31/3/2014    
  Number of complaints pending at the beginig of the Quarter:  Nil   -  
  Number of complaints received from shareholders during the quarter: Nil   -  
  Number of complaints disposed off during the quarter: Nil   -  
  Number of shareholders complaint pending at the end of quarter : Nil      

1. The above Audited financial results for the quarter ended 31/03/2014 and for the year ended 31/03/2014 were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 30/5/2014.
2. Profit after tax for the financial year is Rs.51609.
3. Figures of the corresponding quarter/ year have been regrouped/ restated wherever necessary.
4. Segment Revenue: Revenue for this quarter/ year comes from one activity, i.e., Income from Trading. 

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